8 day Road Trip Itinerary in Czech Republic
As part of our Europe Road Trip we spent 8 days in total in Czech Republic, Prague being our highest point reached in Europe.

We entered Czech Republic from Slovakia after visiting 2 cities, both Bratislava and Vienna in 2 days and made our way to Brno. On the way we passed through Mikolov which is situated in a protected landscape area towards Lednice, which makes it a beautiful drive. We stopped in Lednice a beautiful village with a beautiful castle surrounded by a 200sqm park.
Brno is a city which makes a good afternoon to enjoy their modernist buildings, castle and Cathedral. From here 2 hours up north to Senohraby a place where we based ourselves for 2 nights.
Senohraby is a tiny village next to a river, where we got to sleep in a wooden cabin in nature. Driving toward this village was nothing but a scenic drive. It’s a beautiful and quiet place only a 20 minute drive outside Prague. It not only provided us with cheaper accommodation than Prague but also tranquility away from the city’s hustle and bustle. We opted to visit Prague the next day by train from Senhoraby station which was only a 45 minute ride. Why? Because tickets only cost €7 return ticket for 2 persons plus parking in the city would be pricey.

The next day we visited Prague in the afternoon and drove 30 minutes by car to the city, parking behind the Prague castle in which there is a free parking zone. It is about a 30 minute walk to the city centre but it’s worth the walk. Prague is a beautiful city and here are the top things to do when visiting Prague.
From Prague we decided to base ourselves in Pilsen for the next 3 days where we got to work and relax. Here we were hosted by a family who have inspired us, as they make money through playing cowboys and Indians, their passion. Pilsen is only an hour drive from Prague and offers better accommodation options. Here you can visit the zoo, enjoy the city centre and its 19th century Great Synagogue. Pilsen is also very famous for Pilsner beer and here you can visit their Brewery.
From Pilsen we drove through Narodni Park Sumava. One of the most scenic routes in the Czech Republic which makes up for the east side of the country which is currently all under construction. Accommodation for the night in Valory. Valory made it a great base to continue our road trip through Czech Republic.
The National Park simply makes a scenic drive ideal for a road trip but the jaw dropping moment is when Vodni Nadrz Lipno I Lake somes in sight. Make sure to stop and soak in the beautiful scenery.

We passed through the beautiful village of Horny Plana and from here we drove to the cutest town in Czech Republic, Cesky Krumlov an old village divided by the Vltava River. A village dominated by its 13th century Gothic Castle.
Cesky Krumlov makes it a great location to enter Austria, making Linz, which was only an hour away our next desination.