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Couples Travel

Trust me we know a lot about this topic, from travelling solo or with friends to travelling with your soul mate.


To top that off, we are now working as travel agents in Malta - both of us working with Kraze Travel. We are together 24/7 whether on or off work. 


In 2016 before leaving for a 9 months journey that would take us to 3 continents and over 20 countries, we have wrote the following: 


"It's the best of both worlds, but travelling as a couple for long term, 24/7 together can be tough on the relationship. Me & Luke are currently travelling 24/7 before we get married and I guess this is the ultimate test to our relationship. We have already seen the fruit of investing in travelling and we wanted to share them with you"


Now, after the experience is done - we're back home married, and working as travel agents we can confirm - travelling as a couple is the best investment that you can do to your relationships. Rather than just getting to know your partner - all the good and bad stuff within them as explicitly shown during travels. The benefit that you get is that you would have created awesome memories together.


Through having lived through such great moments, we know that our partner is the most amazing person for us, and no matter what happens through the roller-coaster that is life - you can rest assured that your partner is there with for you. Like Romy has been there for Luke when he was dead sick India with massive food cramps. Or that time when Luke was there for Romy when she was scared whilst driving through shady areas in Colombia. 


These fond memories will stick forever. 


Now we do get it - life is not that easy. There are hiccups that will happen along the way - and the bigger you dream - the more hiccups you are likely to have.


In our case, our dream right now is to help as many people as possible to make their travel dreams come true. We want to be a positive change in the adventure scene in Malta. As travel agents, we want to provide massive volume to the dreamers living on this rock. 


We are building a community of like minded people where we can all meet up, and enjoy the company of each other whilst doing what we love most - travelling. To nurture the relationships within our cult, we organise social events - such as trekking in some of the most exquisite locations in Malta & Gozo. 


That said - building this travel agency from the ground up - with no one who can help us except ourselves and you - the awesome people within our clan. Sometimes things get messy. Get scream at each other because we both want things to be perfect. We both want to help you #MakeItHappen, and sometimes we disagree on the 'How'. 


Therefore both of us strongly feel that travelling as a couple is the best investment that you can do to your relationship - hardships will come, and building your relationship on the most solid ground possible is critical. 


If both of you are working, and you don't have enough money you need to do something. Let Luke give you some inspiration so that you too can afford to travel with your loved one


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