10 Tips to Stay Safe While Traveling
Nothing beats taking an extended vacation to a tropical beach or even making a long distance move overseas to a country you love, but...

Life Changing Travel Hacks
Most experienced adventurers agree on one simple rule of thumb: although travel is subjective, there are right and wrong ways to plan...

A Hotel...35,000 feet in the sky
Once you go B….. you never go back! You might know what the above B in this saying stands for. I’m not however talking about that in this...

Maldives on a budget
The Maldives has reputation of world- class luxury, with state- of- the- art island resorts and a hefty price tag which deter many fellow...

Vacation Checklist
Packing can be stressful, especially if you are the last minute to pack type of person. Here's a great checklist for you to print and use...

Travel Tools to help you plan and get oriented when on vacation
Going on vacation gives you to experience the wonders of the world, but requires some serious planning. So, to help you out we have...

Tools to help you save Money & Time before going on vacation
Travelling is adventure. When going on vacation, there are so many new things that happen every day. Your comfort zone is constantly...

Saving Luggage Space when Backpacking
We all love backpacking, but let’s be frank! Just before checking in at the airport: How many times did you panic that you are overweight...

Planning your Gap Year in Australia
BEFORE YOU GET THERE 1. For those who need a Working Holiday Visa Make sure you apply for working holiday visa, if you are planning to go...

Thai Virgins | 13 Tips to Travel Thailand on a Budget.
For some people money is not an issue, for others travelling on a budget is a must. Either way, no one should spend more than necessary,...